Disability Advocacy Day-Registration is now open!

Make certain your voice is heard! Disability Advocacy Day is designed to connect you with your legislators so you can talk about issues that matter to you. You are the expert in sharing how legislative policies affect people with disabilities in their everyday lives.

REGISTER ON EVENTBRITE: Registration now closed

 Print a registration form here and mail in.

 New this year!

Online registration will us paypal to reserve a lunch. You can also bring a lunch from home if you prefer! And if you are able, please donate to help others attend this event!

Registration is due by March 10, 2017

Please note that Survival Coalition will schedule your legislative visit. Your visit will be with others from your district.

In order to have accurate scheduling – you must use your home address on the registration form. 

Check-In starts at 9:30 am on March 21, 2017.



For groups of 10 or more: If you need transportation assistance
Please contact us at

Milwaukee and Racine buses are being organized. More information will be posted when available.


 9:30: Check in: Monona Terrace, One John Nolen Drive, Madison
Pick up materials/T-Shirt (if you don’t have one)

10:30: Briefing on Survival Coalition’s current issues

11:00: Planning time with others from your district

12:00: Pick up your box lunch (if you ordered one). You may eat your lunch at Monona Terrace or at the Capitol. Outside restaurant food is not permitted in Monona Terrace but you may bring a lunch from home.

12:30-12:50: Rally at the State Capitol, South Hamilton Street. entrance. (3 blocks away)
You are responsible for your own transportation to the Capitol if you need assistance.

1:00- 3:00: Legislative visits scheduled

1:00-3:30: Check out and debrief after your visit at the Capitol

Questions: Contact Fil Clissa at survivalcoalitionwi@gmail.com