Here is a final chart comparing Survival’s positions on key disability-related budget issues in the Governor’s Proposal to the final budget passed by the Legislature. The Governor has until Thursday to sign or veto. For the full set of original budget proposals Survival Coalition recommended to the Governor and Legislature.
See Comparison Chart.
Survival Coalition Wisconsin
The Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations is a cross-disability coalition of more than 20 state and local organizations and groups. For more than 20 years, Survival has been focused on changing and improving policies and practices that support people with disabilities of all ages to be full participants in community life.
Comparison Chart Now Available
Media Advisory: Legislature’s State Budget Falls Short for People with Disabilities, Family Caregivers
Disability advocates are deeply disappointed with the lack of investment and cuts to key programs contained in the Legislature’s state budget. People with disabilities and their families across Wisconsin are really struggling. Many were struggling before the pandemic, and COVID-19 made existing problems worse.
Many important low-cost, critically needed investments are missing from the currently-proposed budget—including removing lead pipes and paint that are a 100% preventable cause of intellectual and developmental disabilities in babies and toddlers and funding to guarantee poisoned children can get help. Family caregivers are leaving the workforce, sacrificing family income, and burning out trying to fill the gaps left by the caregiver crisis. This budget does not help those struggling daily to meet care needs. Students receiving special education services have lost ground both academically and socially because of the pandemic and may need years to rebuild and recover skills. Cuts to Wisconsin’s largest transit systems will make it more difficult for low-income people with disabilities and the caregiver workforce that rely on it to commute to client homes to return to work and live independently.
The state budget is Wisconsin’s opportunity to help people now and commit to ongoing investments that will support people in the future. Our folks can’t wait. Read Full Advisory
Also read Survival’s Document: State Budget Leaves Many People
with Disabilities Behind
Survival Coalition: Bills Create Added Voting Barriers for People with Disabilities
(Madison) – Today’s scheduled Assembly vote could move forward legislation that will create added barriers for many people with disabilities and older adults to vote. The Survival Coalition of more than 20 statewide disability organizations is concerned about the impact of these bills on the Assembly calendar: AB192, SB 204/AB 201, SB 205/AB 179, SB 212/AB 198.
Recent amendments have made slight improvements, but Survival Coalition has the following concerns that have not been addressed: See full press release
Press Release: JFC to act on DHS budget: agency oversees critical investments in disability services and supports
As the Joint Finance Committee considers its budget motion to set and direct spending for the Department of Health Services (DHS), Survival Coalition asks the committee to include the following disability priorities:
Read full press release.
It’s not too late to meet the needs of Wisconsin students with disabilities
Call on lawmakers to do their job and pass an education budget that puts kids’ needs first!
The Joint Finance Committee slashed about 90% of the Governor’s proposed investments in public education. On party-line votes they essentially zeroed out increases in special education reimbursement. This decision also puts Wisconsin schools’ eligibility for promised federal COVID-19 aid in serious jeopardy. It’s not too late to fix this – the proposal now goes before the entire legislature for modification and debate. Contact your state legislators to make sure they hear your voice and know you expect them to do their job by rejecting this outrageous budget. Wisconsin can afford to close the gaps that exist in our state for all kids, including kids with disabilities – and we can’t afford not to!
Go to this link where you can customize a letter to send directly to your own lawmakers! Click here to send a letter to your lawmakers.
Survival Coalition submits comments on the CLTS waiver renewal
Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations and Family Voices of Wisconsin appreciates the opportunity to comment on the renewal application for the Children’s Long-Term Supports waiver. We recognize the attempts DHS used to obtain stakeholder input including virtual listening sessions with families and input from the DHS Council on Children’s Long-Term Supports. The CLTS waiver and current application reflects extensive collaboration between DHS, families and stakeholder groups. We believe this application represents the outstanding evolution of the support Wisconsin provides to families and children with disabilities. Read full comments.
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