Update May 11: COVID Cases and Deaths Among People with Disabilities and Older Adults in Wisconsin

(Madison) – The Survival Coalition of more than 30 disability organizations supports the work of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the Governor Evers’ administration to share regularly updated data regarding the impacts of COVID-19 in Wisconsin’s Medicaid Adult Home and Community-Based Services system.  People with disabilities and older adults, particularly those who live in congregate or group settings are particularly vulnerable to the virus. Wisconsin’s long-term care program enrollment is 77,432 or approximately 1.4% of the WI population but accounts for more than 1/6 of all state COVID-19 deaths.

Survival Coalition is sharing the Department’s updated data weekly.

The following data was published on May 11, 2021 and can be accessed in detail here: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/hcbs/data.htm#cases
Read full report.